Heralding Freedom of the Press Since 2003

Marva Bouillabaisse is food editor for Incredible Edible Munch. She hails from Calipatria, Calif., where under the watchful eye
of her mom, who specialized in southern cooking, she was introduced to the culinary art, later honing her knowledge and skills
in food preparation working in five-star hotels for more than 20 years as director of catering alongside master chefs.

Royal Basmati Rice
is non-starch, and therefore safe and consummable for Type I and Type II diabetics (read 'The Truth About Rice).
Royal Original Long Grain Natural Basmati White Rice, 2 lbs - Walmart.com

The Truth About Rice
Probably never heard of resistant starch rice. One hallmark
of it; limits sucrose in the blood, thereby controlling diabetes​.
​Most carbohydrates in your diet are starches. But some types of starch can pass through your digestive tract without being digested. Many studies in humans show that resistant starch can have powerful health benefits.
Starches are long chains of glucose found in grains, potatoes, and other foods. But resistant starch functions kind of like soluble fiber.
Resistant starch is a carbohydrate that resist digestion in the small intestine and ferments in the large intestine. As the fibers ferment they act as a prebiotic and feed the good bacteria in the gut. There are several types of resistant starch. They are classified by their structure or source. More than one type of resistant starch can be present in a single food.
Some of its potential benefits include improved insulin sensitivity, lower blood sugar levels, reduced appetite, and various benefits for digestion. Resistant starch is a very popular topic these days. Many people have experimented with it and seen major improvements by adding it to their diet.
Types of Resistant Starch
Not all resistant starches are the same. There are 4 different types:
Type 1: Is found in grains, seeds and legumes and resists digestion because it’s bound within the fibrous cell walls.
Type 2: Is found in some starchy foods, including raw potatoes and green (unripe) bananas.
Type 3: Is formed when certain starchy foods, including potatoes and rice, are cooked and then cooled. The cooling turns some of the digestible starches into resistant starches via retrogradation
Type 4: Is man-made and formed via a chemical process.
However, this classification is not so simple, as several different types of resistant starch can co-exist in the same food. Depending on how foods are prepared, the amount of resistant starch changes. For example, allowing a banana to ripen (turn yellow) will degrade the resistant starches and turn them into regular starches.
Benefits of Resistant Starch
When starches are digested they typically break down into glucose. Because resistant starch is not digested in the small intestine, it doesn’t raise glucose. Gut health is improved as fermentation in the large intestine makes more good bacteria and less bad bacteria in the gut. Healthy gut bacteria can improve glycemic control.
Other benefits of resistant starch include increased feeling of fullness, treatment and prevention of constip- ation, decrease in cholesterol, and lower risk of colon cancer. Resistant starch is fermented slowly so it causes less gas than other fibers.
Foods Sources
Foods that contain resistant starch include:
Plantains and green bananas (as a banana ripens the starch changes to a regular starch)
Beans, peas, and lentils (white beans and lentils are the highest in resistant starch)
Whole grains including oats and barley
Cooked and cooled rice
The amount of resistant starch changes with heat. Oats, green bananas, and plantains lose some of their resistant starch when cooked. Another type of resistant starch is made in the cooking and cooling process. Cooked rice that has been cooled is higher in resistant starch than rice that was cooked and not cooled.
How to Add Resistant Starch to Your Diet
Try cooking rice, potatoes, beans, and pasta a day in advance and cool in the refrigerator overnight. It’s ok to reheat the starch before eating. Reheating doesn’t decrease the amount of resistant starch.
In place of cooked oatmeal, try uncooked oats soaked in yogurt, milk, or a non-dairy milk and refrigerate overnight (often called overnight oats).
Add lentils to a salad or soup.
As a partial flour replacement try green banana flour, plantain flour, cassava flour, or potato starch. Resistant starch will be lost when baking or cooking with these flours. You can also supplement with a small of amount (1-2 teaspoons) sprinkled on your food.
There appears to be some debate as to whether reheating decreases the amount of resistant starch.
It may be true that potatoes, for example, may lose some resistant starch in the reheating process. However, the type of potato is also a consideration.
The resistant starch in red and yellow variety potatoes does increase after being cooked, chilled, and reheated. Russet potatoes may slightly decrease resistant starch content after reheating.
When increasing fiber intake, go slowly and drink plenty of water to reduce GI side effects. Remember all types of fiber have health benefits so eat a variety of fiber-containing foods.​
Christine McKinney is a registered dietitian with a Master's of Science in clinical nutrition from the University of Wisconsin-Stout.
Here's a useful microwave garlic hack
Garlic is a superfood, not only because it's good for you but also because it can make almost any savory dish taste more delicious.
However, the one downside of garlic is that it can be frustratingly difficult to peel. Especially when you are making something that uses a lot of it, like a heart- warming roasted garlic soup that calls for around three whole bulbs. In this case, using less garlic means a less flavorful soup, but peeling and dicing all that garlic will take a long time and runs the risk of making your hands a sticky, garlicky mess.

Luckily, there is a quick and easy hack that makes peeling garlic simple—all you have to do is pop the whole bulb in the microwave for 20 seconds. Then, let the garlic sit on the counter for around the same amount of time, and you are ready to get peeling. Except now, the garlic skin should easily slide right off of each clove, saving you both time and messy fingers.
According to Gavin Sacks, an assistant professor of food science at Cornell University, the reason this hack works so well is because the microwave actually "will heat the water in the garlic, causing cells to rupture," he wrote in response to a query from NPR. This, in turn, causes the release of steam from inside the raw garlic, which then separates the garlic skin from the clove.
The steam is what makes the trick work, but it also causes the garlic to be quite hot when removed from the microwave. This is why it is important to allow the garlic to sit for at least 20 seconds to half a minute before peeling.
Once slightly cooled, peeling is as easy as simply cutting off the top of the bulb and then pulling away the outer skin. Once each of the cloves has been separated from the bulb, you can squeeze them at either end to make the garlic pop out of the peel.
So, now you may be wondering, because microwaving garlic is essentially lightly cooking it, whether this hack will affect the taste of the garlic in any way. According to Sacks, putting the garlic in the microwave may make it slightly less strong in scent and flavor than raw garlic. However, the difference likely isn't enough to be noticeable, and the convenience makes it worth it.
Courtesy the Daily Meal.

Have a Safe Thanksgiving: Protect Against Foodborne Illness
Public Health offers food service safety tips
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health would like families to enjoy a safe and healthy Thanksgiving holiday feast by taking steps to avoid foodborne illness, commonly known as food poisoning.
Raw or undercooked meats, including turkey, chicken, beef, and lamb, and food kept at unsafe temperatures can contain bacteria such as Campylobacter, Salmonella, or E. coli, that cause diarrhea and other health problems. To ensure a safe and healthy holiday feast, follow these food preparation recommendations and serving tips:
Defrosting Turkey
The best practice is to thaw a frozen turkey in the refrigerator:
Place frozen turkey in its original wrapper in the refrigerator (40° F or below). Make sure no turkey juice can drip down onto other foods.
Allow approximately 24 hours of thaw time per 5 pounds of turkey.
After thawing, keep the turkey refrigerated for only one to two days before cooking.
Another option is to thaw a turkey in cold water:
Make sure the turkey is in leakproof wrapping before placing it in cold (not hot or warm) water and change the water every 30 minutes.
Allow about 30 minutes of defrosting time per pound of turkey.
Cook immediately after thawing.
Other safety tips:
Do not thaw frozen pre-stuffed turkeys before cooking.
Do not refreeze a turkey that has been thawed.
Cooking a Turkey
Oven-roasting a whole turkey:
Set the oven to at least 325°F. Use a food thermometer to make sure it cooks to 165°F or higher. Insert the thermometer in the thickest part of the thigh, but not against the bone.
We do not recommend stuffing a whole turkey. This increases the risk of cross-contamination. Consider cooking stuffing separately in a casserole dish.
While we do not recommend stuffing a turkey with uncooked stuffing and cooking both together, we recognize many traditional recipes call for doing both together. If you are cooking a turkey with stuffing, using a food thermometer is essential to make sure the center of the stuffing is cooked to a safe minimum internal temperature of 165 °F. Bacteria can survive in stuffing that has not reached this temperature, possibly resulting in foodborne illness.
Do not stuff the turkey the night before cooking it. Bacteria can multiply in the stuffing while refrigerated.
If the stuffing uses raw meat, poultry, or shellfish, these ingredients should be cooked before stuffing the turkey to reduce the risk of foodborne illness from bacteria that may be in the raw ingredients.
Frozen pre-stuffed turkeys:
Cook from frozen by following package directions.
Deep frying a turkey:
Know the dangers of deep frying a turkey. Turkey fryers can quickly flame-up, and hot oil is hazard.
Only use a turkey fryer outdoors on a sturdy, level surface away from anything that can burn.
Keep children and pets at least three feet from the fryer to protect against burns from hot oil or the fryer.
Pre-cooked turkey dinners:
Eat within two hours or refrigerate dishes separately, then reheat to a temperature of at least 165°F.
Additional Food-Handling Tips
Good hand hygiene. Wash your hands with warm water and soap for 20 seconds before and after handling food, especially raw food, and after using the restroom.
Fresh fruits and vegetables. Wash fresh fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating or cutting into them.
Food preparation.
Separate raw meats and poultry from other foods such as fruits and vegetables. Avoid cross-contam- ination by using separate cutting boards, knives, and platters for these foods.
Wash cutting boards, utensils, and platters after preparing each food item.
Bring sauces, soups, and gravies to a full boil when reheating.
Serving and storing food.
Keep hot foods hot. Use chafing dishes and heating devices or keep foods in the oven at a temperature to ensure they remain at 135°F or above.
Keep cold foods cold at 40°F or below and refrigerate leftovers within two hours. Throw out foods that should have been kept cold but were left out for more than two hours.
Eat cooked leftovers within three to four days.

Sweet Potatoes vs. Yams vs. White Potatoes​
By CAT EBELING, RN, Contributing Writer
Some people call them “yams” and others call them “sweet potatoes”. Is there a difference? And how do they compare with regular white potatoes?
Well for starters, sweet potatoes are the orange or reddish colored root vegetable you see at the grocery store. They are a member of the morning glory family, and not related to either yams or white potatoes. Sweet potatoes generally come from either Central or South America.
Sweet potatoes are usually longer and tapered at the ends with smooth colored skin, and can range in color from tan, to yellow, to orange, red, or purple. Sweet potato’s flesh inside also varies from white to orange or reddish orange, to purple-colored. Sweet potatoes are also usually softer and sweeter when cooked than either yams or regular white potatoes.
Yams are also a tuber vegetable. However, they come from a completely different family and are actually part of the lily family. Yams originated in Africa and Asia and there are about 600 different varieties of yams. Yams have some distinct characteristics, and if you ever saw them, you would probably not confuse them with sweet pota- toes. Compared to sweet potatoes, yams can grow very large. Size can vary from that of a small potato to up to 5 feet (1.5 meters).
Yams are more cylindrical, and have rough brown, almost tree-bark like skin that is very difficult to peel. The inside flesh is white, yellow, purple or pinkish. Yams are not sweet and smooth like sweet potatoes, they are more dry and starchy tasting. Yams are not a common item to find in your grocery store, in fact, they are often difficult to find, except perhaps in an international market or ethnic food store.
White potatoes are something we are all pretty familiar with. White potatoes come from the Solanaceae family, which is related to tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant and considered part of the “nightshade” group of vegeta- bles. While there are literally thousands of different types of potatoes in the world, in general the types of pota- toes we see here in the US and in Europe are classified as russet potatoes, red potatoes, white potatoes, yellow potatoes (or Yukon Gold) and purple potatoes.
Sweet potatoes, yams, and regular white potatoes are actually all from different plant families and not related.
Sweet potatoes have become much more common and popular in the past 10 years or so, and are often served baked, mashed, roasted or fried. They are also a great alternative to French fries, and an alternative to regular mashed potatoes.
Sweet potatoes are often pureed and used in recipes like soups and desserts. And of course, sweet potatoes are a staple on the Thanksgiving table, sometimes served as sweet potato casserole with marshmallows (please don’t!) or made into a sweet potato pie.
If you are looking for a way to use those sweet potatoes in your kitchen, this is a must try recipe. You reap the benefits of all the nutrients from the sweet potato and turmeric as well. Curry Sweet Potato Soup (packed with antioxidants and fights inflammation)
African yams are usually boiled and mashed into a starchy paste called “Fufu.” Yams are not usually eaten baked; however, if they are baked they must be peeled before cooking. If you tried to cook them whole, they tend to explode, leaving a big mess!
How did yams and sweet potatoes get confused here in America? When African slaves came to the United States, they called our sweet potato “nyami” or “yam” in English, because it resembled the yam from Africa.
The darker-skinned orange sweet potato variety was only recently introduced in the US, and to differentiate them from the original sweet potatoes, they were called “yams.”
n many grocery stores, the dark, reddish skinned sweet potatoes are called “garnet yams”, but they are not really real yams either. They are sweet potatoes. In the United States, yams and sweet potatoes are often used interchangeably. Most all yams in a grocery store are actually sweet potatoes.
Sweet potato nutrition
Sweet potatoes contain a lot of nutrients (which is why they are so popular) including a massive amount of beta-carotene, the nutrient that our bodies turn into vitamin A. Eat sweet potatoes with butter to help this transforma- tion work best. Sweet potatoes also contain about 35-40 percent of your necessary daily vitamin C, manganese, vitamin B6, potassium, copper, niacin, thiamine and magnesium.
Sweet potatoes also help to stabilize blood sugar, and help the body become more sensitive to insulin. In fact, one study from Austria showed that a diabetic group who ate sweet potatoes actually had lower blood sugar levels at the end of the study than the control group. This is due partly to the high fiber content, which slows the absorption of sugar into the body, and probably due to the high amounts of antioxidants, as well.
Antioxidants also help to reduce other chronic diseases including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. The orange color in sweet potatoes means it is especially high in the antioxidant beta-carotene. A good rule of thumb for eating sweet potatoes is to pick the most colorful ones—these contain the most antioxidants. Sweet potatoes are also known to boost brain function, improve memory, and prevent oxidative damage in the brain.
Since sweet potatoes have about 400 percent of the pre-cursor to vitamin A, they are especially good for boosting the immune system, protecting the vision, and helping the skin.
What about yams?
Yams are higher in calories, carbohydrates and fiber and while they also contain a good amount of vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium and manganese but are not as nutrient-dense or full of antioxidants as sweet potatoes. (Hint—antioxidants have a lot to do with color).
Yams contain more potassium and manganese—both vital minerals that are good for bone and nerve health, heart function and metabolism. Yams do contain some similar nutrients like B vitamins but the health benefits of yams have not been studied as much as sweet potatoes. Yams are, however, derivative of an ingredient called
progesterone, thought to help women’s hormone levels. There is some evidence that yam extract may be a helpful remedy for some of the unpleasant symptoms of PMS and menopause.
White potato nutrition
White potatoes do contain lots of healthy minerals, fiber and carbohydrates, but definitely are not the superstars that sweet potatoes are. White potatoes belong to a totally different plant family, are definitely different looking than either yams or sweet potatoes and have a whole different set of nutrients. White potatoes contain plenty of vitamin C, folate (a necessary B vitamin), vitamin B6, potassium, manganese, but not the high levels of vitamin A or antioxidants that sweet potatoes contain.
Blood sugar and the glycemic index
Sweet potatoes have a medium-to-high GI, around 60, and yams have a lower GI at about 50. White potatoes score the highest at 75. Considering the three types of potatoes, gram for gram, white potatoes will cause a sharper spike in blood sugar. If you are diabetic or trying to keep your blood sugar low, you are better off eating sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are also higher in fiber than regular potatoes.
Healthiest of the three types of potatoes in terms of nutrition is sweet potatoes by a slim margin! However, yams, sweet potatoes and white potatoes can all be healthy additions to the diet. Preparation is the important factor; Frying is not going to be healthy, so eat baked instead of fried, and add a little dab of grass-fed butter on it!
Cat Ebeing is a registered nurse with a master degree in nutrition science. She co-authored the best-selling books, "The Fat Burning Kitchen," "The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging," and "The Diabetes Fix."

Bananas supply fiber, which protects bowel health and helps regulate digestion. The amount of potassium in bananas also make them a good fruit to eat to decrease your risk of kidney stones. Banana is also an excellent source of potassium. Strawberries promote good eyesight and decrease symptoms of arthritis, thanks to the high volume of antioxidants. Strawberry has 153mg of potassium per 100 grams and banana has 358mg of potassium.

The plain truth about catfish
Black Americans consume more fat than any other racial group in America. In 2020, Black adults had the highest obesity rates of any race or ethnicity in the United States, followed by Indigent Americans/Alaska Natives and then Hispanics. As of that time, around 42 percent of all Black adults were obese.
Chronic excess fat in our diets predisposes us to chronic food related diseases. Join Incredible Edible Munch
in examining our food preferences and their impact on our health. We begin with catfish.
Catfish is the most consumed fish world-wide. It is popular because it is simple to prepare and it’s tasty, owing primarily to the abundance of fat contained within both the flesh and the skin. Catfish is plentiful in rivers and highly adaptable as farmed fish, so it is likely to be well stocked in stores across the US.
However, it may sicken our body if consumed regularly. An abundance of Omega-6 fatty acids found in catfish increases our risk of getting blood clots, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and other inflammation, obesity, depression and some cancers. (Omega-6 is pro-inflammatory but is regulated by Omega-3, which reduces the concentration of bad cholesterol and increases the concentration of good cholesterol). Omega-6 and -3 have a healthy ratio of 4 to 1 in healthy fish. Catfish are often found to have a fatty acid ratio of 10 to 1.
So what’s wrong with catfish? One Thing: Too much fat! Catfish may be killing those of us who consume a lot of it, especially because we prefer it deep fried, floating in grease—thereby adding more fatty oils. It gets worse when consuming chemically infused farm-raised stock.
We should note that catfish has its good qualities as well: It is low in mercury, and rich in phosphorus and magnesium, which are essential micro-nutrients that play a significant role in a lot of biochemical processes in the body. But the fat is killing us. We are more predisposed to life-ending diseases if catfish is a regular part of our diet. The mortality rate for Black Americans is 51 percent higher than for White Americans (not including Spanish speaking Whites).
Noted medical practitioner, Dr. Arikawe Adeolu of the Federal Medical Centre in Abuja, Nigeria, has cautioned that consumers should cut back on eating catfish because of its fat content, which can increase our choles- terol, cause chronic inflammation that brings cardio-vascular disease, diabetes, and feed certain cancers. Alzheimer disease is also associated with chronic (long standing) inflammation in the body.
Health professionals explain further that the fat from the fish settles in the blood stream, clogging up the vessels, and when blood fails to get to an organ, that organ can suffer paralysis. Farm raised fish are particularly problematical as many are cultivated with steroids and synthesized food containing fattening chemicals, some of which are cancerous in nature, including the chemicals needed to keep pond water dwelling fresh and free of PCB’s.
All of the diseases mentioned above will support premature death in the human body. As we know, premature death is prevalent in the Black community. One can draw a connection… Recommendation: Don’t eat catfish more than once monthly. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends that pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and children avoid catfish, shark, king mackerel and tilefish altogether.
What are the alternatives?
The best fish for our consumption are as follows: Salmon is the "rock star." It is high in Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids which are essential additives, as the body cannot make its own, and it’s rich in protein. Salmon is available in most markets. It’s also healthy, robust in flavor, and receives sauces, glazes, and dry seasoning very handily. Preparation is easy: Pan-fry, roast, poach, broil, bake or grill – and Voila! Caution: It’s a little
Per Healthline, an internet website, the following fish are also healthy due to their protein count, correct balance of fatty acids and low levels of mercury: Cod, herring, perch, mahi mahi, striped bass, sardines, rainbow trout, albacore tuna, and wild Alaskan pollock. (Editor's note: Fish are not ranked; ranking varies in different studies). Shrimp, prawn, and crab from the shellfish (crustacean) family are also considered good seafood choices because they are low in calories, low in mercury, high in protein, and available every where where. Halibut and Chilean sea bass have low mercury levels, but are also low in Omega-3’s, leaving Omega-6 fatty acids free to rummage through our system wreaking havoc. Be advised.
The American Heart Association recommends eating fish that are high in both of the Omega-fatty acids twice weekly. But watch the mercury levels. “Mercury is very toxic to the human body and can, when consumed in large or accumulated quantities, damage the nervous system,”
according to Dr. Adeolu.

Food designed, plated and photographed by Marva Bouillabaisse.
Healthy truths about collard and mustard greens
Collard greens—or just "collards"—are a member of the cabbage (Brassica) family of vegetables, which means they are a cruciferous vegetable. Their dark green pigment is a signal they contain nutritious antioxidants. Collards are also an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals, including calcium. You can use them as you would any dark leafy greens, like kale or spinach.
A cup of raw collard greens is very low in carbohydrates, containing merely 2 grams. As with most non-starchy vegetables, there is no scientific study of the glycemic index of collards, but it is assumed to be low. Much of the carbohydrate in collard greens is fiber; it has a small amount of naturally occurring sugar. Collard greens have only a trace amount of fat on their own. If they are cooked in fat (such as olive oil), however, the resulting dish will contain fat. Cooking them in fat will help a person absorb the fat-soluble vitamins found in collard green such as vitamin K.
Like other vegetables, collard greens are not high in protein, but they do contain 1 gram per cup raw. Leafy greens like collards are packed with nutrients. Collard greens are an excellent source of vitamin K (1 cup of cooked col- lard greens has eight times the daily requirement), vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, beta-carotene, and other caroten- oids such as lutein and zeaxanthin. The cruciferous vegetables (which include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, and other leafy greens like kale and collards), as a group, have been shown to have many beneficial properties.
Research is ongoing, but some studies have shown that higher consumption of cruciferous vegetables may reduce the risk of some cancers, including prostate, breast, and lung cancers. High intake of leafy and cruciferous vegetables is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease (as much as 16% lower), according to an analysis of eight different studies. One way cruciferous vegetables may help protect the heart is by reducing atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). One study of women's vegetable intake found that only cruciferous veggies offered this benefit.

In addition, higher intakes of fiber may help to improve heart health by reducing bad cholesterol and lowering blood pressure. That dietary fiber in collard greens offers an array of other health benefits. People who consume more fiber are at lower risk for stroke, diabetes, obesity, and some gastrointestinal diseases.
One of the antioxidants in collard greens is lutein. This compound, related to vitamin A, is important to healthy vision and helps protect the eyes from age-related degeneration and diseases. Along with lutein, collard greens contain other antioxidants that can help protect the body from oxidative stress and inflammation.
People who follow a low-FODMAP diet (a diet low in fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides and polyols) to manage symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn's disease can safely consume collard greens. Though uncommon, allergies to foods in the Brassica family have been reported, sometimes with cross-reactivity to mugwort pollen or mustard.7 If you experience symptoms of an allergic reaction after consuming or handling collard greens, consult with a doctor about how to manage this sensitivity.
Collard greens are an excellent source of vitamin K. While this is a useful vitamin, it can interfere with certain blood-thinning medicines. If you take Coumadin (warfarin), discuss your vitamin K intake with your doctor. Collard greens are also high in oxalates, which in some people can cause painful kidney stones. If you have any kidney problems, you may want to limit your consumption of collard greens or consider consuming high-oxalate foods like collards along with foods containing calcium (such as dairy products or tofu).
Eating these foods together makes them less likely to form into kidney stones. Especially when consumed raw, cruciferous vegetables contain naturally occurring chemicals that may interfere with thyroid function. If you have a thyroid condition, you may need to eat fewer of these vegetables, or be sure to cook them prior to eating.
Although there are various cultivars of collard greens, in general, they are not sold as different varieties or under different names. You can also buy frozen or canned collards. Nutritionally, these options are comparable to raw greens, except that canned collards have significantly more sodium. Collard greens are a winter crop, but they are typically available all year round. When shopping, look for dark green leaves.
Mustard Greens
​Mustard greens are peppery-tasting greens that come from the mustard plant (Brassica juncea L.). Also known as brown mustard, vegetable mustard, Indian mustard, and Chinese mustard, mustard greens are members of the Brassica genus of vegetables. This genus also includes kale, collard greens, broccoli, and cauliflower. There are several varieties, which are usually green and have a strong bitter, spicy flavor. To make them more palatable, these leafy greens are typically enjoyed boiled, steamed, stir-fried, or even pickled.
Mustard greens are one of the most nutritious foods you can eat, as they’re low in calories yet rich in fiber and micronutrients. The health benefits of mustards are practically identical to collards. Additionally, mustard greens contain 4–5 percent of the DV for calcium, iron, potassium, riboflavin (vitamin B2), magnesium, and thiamine (vitamin B1), as well as small amounts of zinc, selenium, phosphorus, niacin (vitamin B3), and folate. Compared
with raw mustard greens, one cup (140 grams) of cooked mustard greens has much higher levels of vitamin A (96 percent of the DV), vitamin K (690 percent of the DV), and copper (22.7 percent of the DV). Yet, it’s lower in vitamins C and E.
Pickled mustard greens, often referred to as takana in Japanese and Chinese cuisines, are similar in calories, carbs, and fiber as raw mustard greens. But they do lose some nutrients during pickling, especially vitamin C.
However, one study found that pickling was an effective method for retaining important plant compounds with antioxidant properties.
Mustard greens are low in calories yet high in fiber and many essential vitamins and minerals. In particular, they’re an excellent source of vitamins C and K. There’s currently limited research on the specific benefits of eating mustard greens. Still, the individual nutrients found in mustard greens — and Brassica vegetables in general — have been associated with numerous health benefits. Antioxidants are naturally occurring plant compounds that help protect against oxidative stress caused by an excess of free radicals.
Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage your cells. Research suggests that over time, this damage can lead to serious, chronic conditions, such as heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease. While levels of specific antioxidants vary between the different varieties of mustard greens, these leafy greens in general are a rich source of antioxidants like flavonoids, beta carotene, lutein, and vitamins C and E.
Additionally, red varieties are rich in anthocyanins, which are red-purple pigments found in fruits and vegetables that have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Overall, including mustard greens in your diet may help protect against diseases related to oxidative stress. Both raw and cooked mustard greens are a phenomenal source of vitamin K, providing 120 percent and 690 percent of the DV per one cup (56 grams and 140 grams), respectively.
Vitamin K is best known for its vital role in helping with blood clotting. It’s also been shown to be essential for heart and bone health. In fact, inadequate vitamin K has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease and osteopo- rosis, a condition that results in reduced bone strength and an increased risk of fractures. Recent studies have also suggested a link between vitamin K deficiency and brain health. Inadequate vitamin K may be associated with an increased risk of impaired brain functioning, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease. However, more research is needed.
Mustard greens may also be good for your immune system. Just one cup (56 grams raw, 140 grams cooked) pro- vides more than a third of your daily vitamin C needs. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that’s essential for a strong immune system. Research shows that not getting enough vitamin C in your diet can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to getting sick. Additionally, vitamin A in mustard greens also supports your immune response. It does this by promoting the growth and distribution of T cells, which are a type of white blood cell needed to help fight off potential infections.
Mustard greens may also be good for your heart. They’re loaded with antioxidants like flavonoids and beta caro- tene, which have been associated with a reduced risk of developing and dying from heart disease. One review of eight studies found that a high intake of leafy green Brassica veggies is associated with a significant 15 percent reduced risk of heart disease. As with other Brassica vegetables, mustard greens contain compounds that help bind bile acids in your digestive system. This is important, as preventing the reabsorption of bile acids leads to lowered cholesterol levels.
According to one test-tube study, steaming mustard greens significantly increases their bile acid binding effect. This suggests that steamed mustard greens may have greater cholesterol-lowering potential, compared with eating them raw. Among the antioxidants in mustard greens are lutein and zeaxanthin, which have been shown to benefit eye health. Specifically, these two compounds help protect your retina from oxidative damage, as well as filter out potentially harmful blue light.
As a result, research suggests that eating foods rich in lutein and zeaxanthin may help protect against age-related macular degeneration, which is the leading cause of blindness worldwide. In addition to powerful antioxidants, which may have anticancer effects, mustard greens are high in a group of beneficial plant compounds called glucosinolates. In test-tube studies, glucosinolates have been shown to help protect cells against DNA damage and prevent the growth of cancerous cells. However, these benefits haven’t been studied in humans. Similarly, a test-tube study of mustard leaf extract found protective effects against colon and lung cancers. Still, studies in humans are needed.
As for research in humans, observational studies have shown a link between overall intake of Brassica vegetables — but not mustard greens specifically — and a reduced risk of certain types of cancers, including stomach, color- ectal, and ovarian cancer. Mustard greens are rich in important plant compounds and micronutrients, specifically vitamins A, C, and K. As a result, eating them may have benefits for eye and heart health, as well as anticancer and immune-boosting properties.
Marva's 'Bouilla!' Country Greens
With Vegetable Medley
A Delicious Dinner for Dieters
Smoked Turkey Drumstick or Wings. Pre bake with onions and garlic to get the best juices to flavor your greens
Add water to maintain a simmering action. Fresh greens (collards from my garden—mustards from my grocer)
OK to mix to your taste—kale, turnip, other fresh greens
Using large pot, add the juices from the smoked turkey with water sufficient to cover the fresh greens. Boil 20 minutes, then simmer for 20 minutes. De-bone the turkey and add the meat. Meanwhile, peel and dice the following:
1 Rutabaga
1 Turnip
3 to 4 Carrots (Large)
Try to dice them the same size so that they look good together. Rutabaga takes a little longer to cook, so boil them 5-10 minutes before adding Turnips. Add carrots last—they take no more than 5 minutes to boil. Veggies can also be steamed.
Optional: Add butter, margarine, butter substitute if you must.
Season to taste. Plate and garnish the plate with green onions.
Green Onion Prep: Cutting the tip off, cut the white part off from the green stems. Make several incisions from 1” in to the outer rim. A dip for a few minutes in water will allow the onion tips to spread out more like a flower.
OPTIONAL MEAL ADDS: Serve with wild rice if you’re watching your weight; Mac & Cheese If you’re not.
Add hot water corn bread if you’re watching your weight; Corn bread or monkey bread if you’re not.
Bon Appetite!

The wonderful and delicious egg is really incredible and edible. And there are many wonderful ways to cook them.
Who said egg yolks were unhealthy?
Eggs are wholesomely good; here are six great reasons to eat the whole egg
By TIM SKWIAT, Contributing Writer
Even though it shouldn’t, I still find it astonishing that some people think eggs—better said, egg yolks—are unhealthy. I shake my head when folks brag about their egg-white omelets. And I melt in disappointment when I hear nutritionists suggest fat-free egg substitutes.
If any of this sounds familiar, please don’t take it personally. It’s not your fault. It’s been beaten—no pun intended—into our heads over the years that egg yolks are “bad” for us. On top of that, many of us have been conditioned to believe fat is the dietary devil, so to speak. Fortunately, we do seem to be turning a collective corner as far as that goes due to the tireless, persistent efforts of health crusaders. Finally.
In other words, fat does not make you fat. What’s more, fat, including saturated fat, is not associated with an increased risk of heart disease. While we’re bursting mythical nutrition bubbles, let’s let the cat out of the bag: the cholesterol found in eggs—and any animal food, for that matter—has no appreciable impact on blood cholesterol. As a matter of fact, eggs can be quite heart healthy.
Now that the table has been set, let’s serve the main course: Six reasons you should eat the whole egg.
1. Egg yolks are packed with nutrients. For starters, nearly half of the protein in an egg is found in the yolk. And while many people shy away from egg yolks because of their fat content, the fatty acid profile is relatively balanced. The greatest contribution of fat comes from “heart healthy” monounsaturated fats. Even more, egg yolks contain the essential omega-3 fatty acid DHA. This is critical for eye, brain, and heart health.
On top of that, all the fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E, and K) are found in the yolk. So too are potent antioxidants, including lutein and zeaxanthin, which we’ll be coming back to again and again. What’s more, virtually all the following vitamins and minerals packaged in the incredible, edible egg are in the yolk: calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, thiamin, panthothenic acid, Vitamins B6, B12, and Folate.
Brain health
Eggs boost brain health. When you eat the whole egg, yolks are a very good source of vitamin B12. This vitamin energizes the brain and provides crucial protection by eliminating potentially toxic compounds (i.e., homocysteine) and supporting long-term nerve health and function. Eggs are also one of the few excellent sources of choline.
And nearly all of it is in the yolk. A lesser-known nutrient that supports brain health and nervous system function, choline is the main building block of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Its significance in nervous system function cannot be overstated. The brain is particularly susceptible to oxidative stress. Eggs again are rich in the antioxidants lutein, and zeaxanthin, which fight free radical damage. Lutein also boosts levels of compounds which protect existing brain cells, help create new ones, and improve neuroplasticity (the brain’s capacity to keep developing, changing, and healing itself). So it enhances the ability to learn and master new tasks.
Eggs-ray vision and heart healthy
Hopefully you’re not tired of hearing about lutein and zeaxanthin. Referred to as the “macular carotenoids,” they act as primary filters of high-energy blue light. Plus, they support visual health and acuity by protecting against oxidative stress and inflammation. Specifically, this duo acts as a protective shield against damaging UV rays and harmful free radicals. As a result, they are often referred to as “natural sunglasses.”
What’s more, the all-important omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, highly regarded for numerous health benefits including eye health and vision support, can also be found when you eat the whole egg. Despite what you’ve probably been led to believe, regular egg consumption is heart healthy. In a recent 14-week crossover study, researchers from the University of Connecticut showed healthy adults eating 1-3 eggs per day for 4 weeks experienced a significant improvement in their blood lipid profile, potentially reducing the risk of heart disease, compared to eating no eggs. Other studies have shown no association between egg consumption and risk of heart disease. At best, they’ve shown significant improvements in blood lipids to potentially lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Overall, eggs from pasture-raised hens provide a variety of nutrients that support cardiovascular health. This includes B vitamins (B12, folate), omega-3 fatty acids (EPA, DHA), and carotenoids (lutein, zeaxanthin). For instance, EPA and DHA are well-known for their beneficial effects on heart health, as research has shown they may lower triglycerides by up to 50 percent and result in a 45 percent reduction in cardiovascular events.
Eggs can help trim the fat
When it comes to the battle of the bulge, appetite and satiety (feelings of fullness and satisfaction) are two critical factors that influence food intake. In a recent crossover study published in the journal Nutrients, researchers found that, compared to eating oatmeal, when healthy participants ate two eggs for breakfast daily for four weeks, they reported significant improvements in satiety, which correlated with lower levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin.
Additional research has shown when you eat the whole egg for breakfast, it increases levels of additional satiety hormones, which decrease food intake and promote blood sugar control. Eggs are a good source of protein. And studies have shown protein-rich meals boost satiety, improve appetite control, reduce snacking, improve diet quality, reduce food motivation and reward, and support healthy weight management. In addition, eggs are also rich in healthy fats, which also help increase feelings of fullness and satisfaction
Not surprisingly, research has shown eating eggs daily for breakfast is an effective strategy to help control body weight. One study showed eating two eggs for breakfast helped overweight dieters lose 65 percent more weight and feel more energetic than those who ate a bagel breakfast of equal calories and volume.
Enhance athletic performance
Speaking of protein, eggs are one of the highest quality sources of any whole food available. In a recent review in Nutrition Today, researchers analyzed more than 25 protein studies and concluded the natural, high-quality protein in eggs contributes to strength, power, and energy in several ways: The protein in eggs helps promote steady, sustained energy because it helps support healthy carbohydrate metabolism and glycemic control. As a result, eggs help prevent a rebound effect or energy crash common with poor carbohydrate management. Further, eggs provide several B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, folate, B6, and B12) required for energy production.
Dietary protein directly influences muscle mass, strength, and function in people of all ages. Eggs are a good source of protein, with a single egg providing six grams of high-quality protein, which can help individuals build and preserve muscle mass and promote healthy aging like the prevention of muscle loss. Eggs are also rich in the amino acid leucine, which is a “trigger” for building muscle, promotes recovery, and contributes to the body’s ability to use energy.
The high-quality protein in eggs provides all the essential amino acids our bodies need to build and maintain muscle mass. In fact, the quality of egg protein is so high scientists often use eggs as the “gold standard” for evaluating the protein quality of other foods.
And of course, no matter how you like them prepared (personally. The bottom line: eggs are packed with nutrition. If you regularly eat the whole egg, you are receiving some substantial health benefits you’d otherwise miss out on when you trash the yolk. When it comes to choosing eggs, your best bet is to purchase eggs from pasture-raised hens, which tend to have a slightly healthier nutrition profile.
Tim Skwiat has a master's degree in Sports Science & Nutrition, is a Precision Nutrition Coach and a NSCA certified strength and conditioning specialist. He lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife Amie and daughter Parker Ashlee.
Recipes: Healthiest ways to cook eggs
By CRISTINA POWELL, Contributing Writer
Which came first … the chicken or the egg? Some would argue that the egg certainly must have come first, but not necessarily the chicken egg. So, it seems we aren’t going to lay this argument to rest anytime soon. Whether you side with scientists or philosophers, I think we can all agree that eating the whole egg is beneficial to your health.
In my humble opinion, cooking the egg is crucial, as we don’t want to subject ourselves to that harmful bacteria known as salmonella. I am sure most of our parents have put that fear in us at a very early age, but truth be told, this risk is actually very low. Regardless, cooked eggs contain a better source of protein and can allow for more nutrient absorption. This is not to say cooked eggs have more protein than raw, but rather our bodies absorb 50-60 percent of the protein in raw eggs compared to 90 percent of the protein in cooked eggs.
But does it matter how you cook this whole egg?
Eggs are a complete source of protein. One single serving egg contains 70 calories, 5 grams of fat, 6 grams of protein, and zero carbs. As if that wasn’t impressive enough, eggs contain vitamins A, D, E, B2, B12, and biotin along with iron, potassium, calcium, and selenium. Eggs also contain choline and folate, two important nutrients for supporting cell growth, brain health, and healthy pregnancies.
Healthiest ways to cook and eat eggs
1. Hard-Boiled Eggs. This method of cooking eggs keeps the egg intact, does not include any added cooking oils or additives, and makes for a really healthy and portable snack, especially for busy folks on the go. You just toss the egg, in its shell, into a pot of boiling water and allow it to cook for the desired time, and voila! There is some controversy over just how long to cook an egg for the perfect result, and I would say that depends. If you are looking for a firm yolk that is pastel yellow in color, then I would boil for roughly 7 minutes, then turn off the heat, and allow the egg to continue bathing in the warm water.
If you are more partial to a soft-boiled yolk, which is a golden yellow and slightly runny, then you are looking at closer to 5 minutes. Once cooked, remove from heat altogether, and soak in an ice bath to stop the cooking process.

2. Poached Eggs. If you have ever had Eggs Benedict, chances are you have enjoyed poached eggs. This method involves keeping the egg intact but cooking out of the shell. Similar to the hard-boiled egg, you cook the egg in a pot of boiling water, but you are cracking it into the boiling water, allowing it to cook without its shell, then removing from the water before consuming. And this doesn’t include any cooking oils, or additives, so your calories are coming solely from the egg itself.
Since you are essentially leaving the yolks runny, it would be best to use pasteurized eggs to avoid that pesky salmonella we discussed earlier. The end result is like a puffy cloud or pillow of white, surrounding a golden-yellow fluid yolk. This is perfect for enjoying solo or on your favorite toasted bread. My personal favorite is with Canadian bacon, and Hollandaise sauce, atop an English muffin. Another variation of the popular Eggs Benedict is with smoked salmon and spinach.
3. Sous Vide Eggs. Starbucks has made sous vide egg bites a trendy way to enjoy eggs. While this method is similar to both the hard boiling or poaching eggs, in that you are cooking the egg in boiling water, you are doing so inside a vacuum sealed bag. The beauty of using this method is that since the egg is contained in a bag or mold, you can add various other ingredients such as cheese, meats or vegetables. There are a few options for these at my local grocery store, Starbucks has three varieties to choose from, and with the invention of the Instant Pot, you can easily make your own. I have actually created my own copycat recipe herewith:
Bacon and Gruyere Egg Bites
4 eggs
1/2 cup gruyere cheese (shredded)
1/2 cup cottage cheese
1/4 cup cooked bacon (crumbled)
Salt and pepper, to taste
Add first three ingredients to a blender and mix until combined.
Add bacon and give a few quick pulses to get it evenly distributed and broken down a bit.
Pour mixture into silicon egg mold (Instant Pot).
Add one cup of water to Instant Pot, and insert trivet.
Place egg mold on top of trivet.
Set timer to pressure cook 8-10 minutes.
Allow eggs to set for a minute or two before attempting to remove. Enjoy!
Chef's Note: You can add anything to these that your heart desires. The two constants are the eggs and cottage cheese, but let your creativity run wild in terms of the mix ins. Cream cheese works well, so does Monterey Jack. I am a huge fan of Gruyere in this, but then again, cheese is one of my favorite foods.
4. Scrambled Eggs. In case you missed it, I have rolled up my sleeves and cooked eggs six ways to determine the best way to make scrambled eggs. It is important to keep in mind that the best tasting eggs may not necessarily be the healthiest, but in my opinion, as long as you are mindful of the types of fats and oils you are using, you can cook them whichever way you prefer. Some enjoy whisking them with water, some with butter, while others use milk or cream. It is not only a matter of taste but texture.
5. Baked Eggs. If you haven’t made individual baked eggs, then you are really missing out. You can simply crack an egg into a muffin tin and cook several of them this way as they freeze beautifully for a quick and easy breakfast any day of the week. You can add various toppings such as bacon, mushrooms, and tomatoes. You can also bake a quiche, which is just using the scrambled egg mixture, usually combined with vegetables and/or meats, and served like a pie. A great way to dodge unwanted calories is to make a quiche sans crust. The egg will form its own little crust and hold everything together nicely. When I am feeding a large crowd, I like to throw a dozen eggs along with everything but the kitchen sink into a casserole dish and bake it.
One such recipe has become my go-to for hurricane prep, which occurs right about the end of summer every year. When you are busy running around boarding up windows and making sure you have plenty of candles, the last thing you want to worry about is meal prep.
6. Fried Eggs. I know, I know…you never thought I would have a fried food listed in one of my healthiest foods articles, but eggs are different. To fry an egg, all you really need is a non-stick pan or a little pat of butter or cooking spray. Simply crack the egg into the pre-heated pan and allow to cook. There are two ways this can be done. The first is to allow the egg to cook on only one side, also known as sunny-side up, which leaves the yolk a little runny. Much like the poached egg, this is great with a side of toasty bread.
The second is to gently flip the egg once the white is no longer translucent, allowing the yolk to cook a little further, also known as over-easy. I generally cook eggs this way when I am going to add them atop a plate of veggies or hash. Pretty much any way your eggs are scrambled (or fried, baked, hardboiled, etc.) is a good way to eat this nutrient-packed food. So, pick your favorite, and enjoy!
Cristina Powell is a Metabolic Effect Nutrition consultant and a nutrition coach. Her passion is to help others discover how great their bodies are meant to feel through healthy eating and an active lifestyle.